Learn to Invest

A comprehensive 3-hour investment training course

with Rodney Hobson

Conference Room 1
Friday, 1st November 2024

9:00am  - 10:30am  - Part 1
3:45pm  - 5:15pm - Part 2

* Early Bird Booking Discount – Book before 15th October 2024 and claim £60 discount off the usual course fees.

Join Rodney Hobson for 3 hours packed with essential tuition and guidance on how to build and manage your own share portfolio. This course enables you to invest with complete confidence, secure that you have the skills and information required to make sensible decisions. Manage a successful, and profitable portfolio with confidence.

Starting from the absolute beginning, you will learn what the stock market is all about, what shares are and about your rights as a shareholder.

Investing is much simpler and less expensive than it used to be. This course is your gateway to becoming a confident, and successful, investor.
Learn how to set up a trading account with a stockbroker, how to buy and sell shares and how to build a solid portfolio. You will learn the benefits of share ownership compared with the alternative forms of investing.

Genuine long-term investing is about building your wealth slowly and surely, something you will be able to do alongside every private and professional investor.

Rodney Hobson is a well-known and highly regarded financial author, market commentator and private investor as well as a regular contributor and speaker at the London Investor Show. Rodney has written and created this workshop aimed squarely at debunking market myths and explaining in simple steps, how to get started. It is intended for investors who want to choose their own shares and build a solid, high- performing portfolio.

* Early Bird Booking Discount – Book before 15 th October 2024 and claim £60 discount off the usual course fees.

The course covers:

  • How to choose a stockbroker and set up a trading account
  • Where to gather vital information
  • How to read company results and the balance sheet
  • How to assess company trading updates
  • The importance of dividends
  • How to calculate simple but vital investor ratios such as PE, yield, PEG, ROCE
  • Taking a long or short view – fundamentals v charting, price averaging, stop losses, churning
  • Takeovers
  • Jargon busting

Rodney guides you through some of the most important aspects of being a successful investor. He explains how to get started, how to make rational and educated investment decisions and how to navigate your way through the financial markets. With time for questions and individual support.

Course Fees: £249 (including VAT)

* Early Bird Booking Discount – Book before 15th October 2024 and claim £60 Discount off the usual course fees.

Book your place before 15th October and the course fees are reduced to £189 (inc. vat).

Your course fees include:

  • Tuition time
  • Course Materials
  • Entry ticket to the London Investor Show
  • Includes an entry ticket to MELLO @ LIS, where you can meet up to 20 listed companies
  • Your own complimentary copy of the London Investor Show Event Guide
  • A signed copy of “Shares made Simple” by Rodney Hobson

* Early Bird Booking Discount – Book before 15 th October 2024 and claim £60 discount off the usual course fees.

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